ANZCA Final Exam Resources
Past Questions

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Past SAQs
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Research Status
Model Answer
Question 1
You are asked to review a healthy 20-year-old patient for severe post-operative pain in a stand-alone day surgery unit. Describe your assessment and justify your management.
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Question 2
Describe both the surface anatomy and anatomical relations of the internal jugular vein relevant to central venous cannulation.
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Question 3
Describe the mechanism of action of tranexamic acid and evaluate its use in obstetric anaesthesia practice.
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Question 4
Discuss the strategies you would use to mitigate the risk of a fire in the operating room. (50%)
Outline the steps to take in the event of fire in the operating room. (50%)
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Question 5
Discuss the preoperative assessment and risk stratification of an adult patient with a repaired congenital cardiac lesion, scheduled for an elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
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Question 6
Evaluate the use of a processed electroencephalogram (EEG) as a routine monitor during general anaesthesia.
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Question 7
Discuss the anaesthetic considerations for a patient requiring cerebral aneurysm coiling.
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Question 8
List the risk factors for the development of a bronchopleural fistula. (30%)
Justify your airway management plan for a bronchopleural fistula repair. (70%)
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Question 9
Discuss your perioperative analgesic management plan for a 20 kg, four-year-old child undergoing elective adenotonsillectomy.
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Question 10
Evaluate the practice of deliberately-induced intraoperative hypotension.
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Question 11
Discuss the anaesthetic considerations for a patient with myotonic dystrophy presenting for an emergency laparotomy.
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Question 12
Outline the physiological changes associated with carotid artery clamping and unclamping during carotid endarterectomy. (50%)
Outline intra-operative protection strategies to minimise harm from these manoeuvres. (50%)
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Question 13
Discuss the requirement for, and potential barriers to, open disclosure in the following intraoperative scenarios:
A) drug administration error
B) vagally-induced asystole necessitating a brief episode of chest compressions
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Question 14
List the limitations of awake fibreoptic intubation. (30%)
Discuss the options for securing the airway following unsuccessful awake fibreoptic intubation for an adult presenting with acute epiglottitis. (70%)
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Question 15
Describe the assessment and management of a patient with a suspected pneumothorax in the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU) following a paravertebral block for a mastectomy.
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Question 1
Evaluate the use of long-acting opioids in the treatment of acute pain.
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Question 2
Describe a perioperative pathway for hip replacement surgery with an expected in-hospital length of stay of less than 24 hours.
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Question 3
Discuss the management of a patient with life-threatening haemorrhage from major pelvic trauma.
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Question 4
Evaluate the usage of the pulmonary artery catheter in anaesthesia.
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Question 5
Evaluate the use of each of the following for preoperative cardiac risk stratification:
plasma biomarkers (chose ONE of natriuretic peptides OR troponin)
Duke Activity Status Index (DASI) stair-climbing test
cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPX/CPET)
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Question 6
Outline the treatment strategies for chronic heart failure.
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Question 7
List the clinical features that suggest a diagnosis of pulmonary embolism under general anaesthesia. (30%)
Outline your immediate management of intraoperative pulmonary embolism. (70%)
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Question 8
Discuss the elements of perioperative management that improve outcomes in patients undergoing emergency laparotomy.
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Question 9
Outline your preoperative assessment of a 1-year-old patient requiring a ventriculoperitoneal shunt revision.
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Question 10
Discuss the potential benefits and risks of supranormal oxygen levels in the perioperative setting.
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Question 11
Outline the sensory innervation of the hip. (30%)
Describe one motor-sparing regional anaesthesia technique to provide analgesia to a patient undergoing surgery for a fractured neck of femur. (70%)
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Question 12
Describe the benefits and limitations of meta-analyses.
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Question 13
Discuss the perioperative management of a patient undergoing urgent thyroidectomy following failed medical therapy for thyrotoxicosis.
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Question 14
You have been called to the emergency department to see a patient with a post-tonsillectomy haemorrhage.
Discuss your initial assessment and management of this patient (50%).
Describe your anaesthesia management for the return to theatre for exploration of haemorrhage (50%).
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Question 15
Discuss the potential complications associated with hysteroscopy and their anaesthetic management.
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Question 1
List the branches of the coronary arteries and the myocardial territories and structures they supply. Outline the ECG leads that correspond to the blood supply. Describe the ECG changes in a NSTEMI.
Question 2
Outline the immediate management of an unconscious trauma patient in the ED who has a suspected cervical spine injury.
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Question 3
A 30 yo pt is scheduled for laser resection of a subglottic mass to relieve mild stridor. Justify your intraoperative anaesthetic management of this case.
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Question 4
Discuss the periop management of a previously well pt presenting for transsphenoidal resection of a non-secretory pituitary macroadenoma.
Question 5
An 82 yo patient is booked for excision of a floor of mouth squamous cell carcinoma and neck dissection, with a radial forearm free flap reconstruction. Discuss the issues relevant to the intraop anaesthetic management for this procedure.
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Question 6
Discuss the implications of anticoagulation as well as an appropriate anticoagulant management strategy for a 25 yo with a mechanical valve for the duration of pregnancy, delivery and the postpartum period.
Question 7
Describe your technique to provide caudal epidural analgesia for an infant weighing 10kg undergoing hypospadias surgery.
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Question 8
A 56 yo patient with a phaeochromocytoma is scheduled for a lap adrenalectomy. Justify your preop investigations for this patient (30%).
Discuss your goals for preop optimization and how to achieve them (70%).
Question 9
Justify strategies used to mitigate postop delirium in an elderly patient requiring hip fracture fixation.
Question 10
Describe the innervation relevant to the stages of labour (30%). Evaluate the regional analgesia options for each stage (70%).
Question 11
Outline the major considerations for organ donation after circulatory death (DCD).
Question 12
Outline the circumstances where the dosing of paracetamol requires modification (50%). Describe the management principles of paracetamol toxicity (50%).
Question 13
Data regarding the conduct and outcomes of anaesthesia are now widely collected eg National Anaesthesia Clinical Outcomes Registry (NACOR). Outline the benefits and the potential errors that can occur when using this data for research.
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Question 14
Discuss the preoperative elements of an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) program for a patient requiring major colorectal surgery.
Question 15
Identify the axes A and B (with units), and the points labelled C through H on the following spirometry loop:
Outline how these spirometry parameters change in:
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Extrathoracic tracheal obstruction
Question 1
Evaluate the methods for detection of myocardial ischaemia in the anaesthetised patient.

Question 2
Discuss the intraoperative and postoperative pain management of a trauma patient who requires a semi- elective below knee amputation for an isolated injury.
Question 3
Discuss the perioperative management of a patient requiring clot retrieval for an acute ischaemic stroke.
Question 4
You are asked to review a 32-year-old G1P1 woman complaining of right leg weakness the day after an instrumental vaginal birth of a 4.2 kg baby under epidural analgesia.
Describe your assessment of the patient and management of the likely differential diagnoses.
Question 5
A 56-year-old male with haemophilia A is scheduled to undergo a total knee replacement. Describe the pathogenesis of haemophilia A and its complications. (50%) Discuss how the presence of haemophilia A influences your perioperative management of this patient. (50%)
Question 6
Justify the ongoing clinical use of nitrous oxide and ENTONOX. (50%)
Discuss how the environmental impact of their use can be minimised. (50%)
Question 7
Describe the anatomy relevant to performing an adductor canal block. (50%) Outline the indications, limitations, and technique of performing an adductor canal block. (50%)
Question 8
A patient presenting for surgery has a DDDR pacemaker. a) Explain the NASPE/BPEG Generic (NBG) pacemaker classification system. b) Describe the assessment and preoperative management of this DDDR device.
*NASPE/BPEG - North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology/British Pacing and Electrophysiology Group.
Question 9
Discuss the intraoperative considerations for a patient undergoing a pneumonectomy.
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Question 10
Discuss the use of ultrasound during the initial presentation of a patient with major trauma.
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Question 11
A 75-year-old man presents with an acute dissection of the descending thoracic aorta. His blood pressure measures 190/110 mmHg. Justify your plan for his preoperative blood pressure management. (30%) Describe the potential complications of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR) and how you would mitigate them. (70%)
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Question 12
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of neuromuscular blocking drugs in a patient admitted to the intensive care unit.
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Question 13
Compare the algorithms for advanced life support of adults and term newborns and explain the rationale for the differences.
Question 14
A patient has undergone an eight-hour elective cervical spine fusion involving both anterior and posterior approaches. Outline your approach to the extubation of this patient.
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Question 15
The following is the venous blood gas (VBG) result of a five-week-old infant with pyloric stenosis.
Interpret this VBG. Describe your preoperative resuscitation and justify your criteria for proceeding to surgery.
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Question 1
Describe your preoperative assessment of a patient with oesophageal cancer scheduled for an oesophagectomy and justify your strategy to optimise them before surgery.
Question 2
Outline your management of a patient with chronic daily headache.
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Question 3
The following are the arterial blood gas (ABG) results of a patient with chronic liver disease:
Interpret this ABG.
List the causes of hypoxia in patients with chronic liver disease.
Describe how you would differentiate between the causes of hypoxia in patients with chronic liver disease.
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Question 4
Describe the factors that ensure the safety and quality of a ward-based postoperative epidural analgesia service.
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Question 5
Describe a technique for front of neck access to the airway in a ‘Can’t Intubate, Can’t Oxygenate’ situation. (50%)
Outline the potential complications and limitations of this technique. (50%)
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Question 6
A patient with primary pulmonary hypertension is scheduled for laparoscopic bowel resection.
Their current medication is bosentan PO 125mg bd.
Discuss how their condition influences your perioperative management.
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Question 7
An 80-year-old man is in the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU) following a transurethral resection of prostate under spinal anaesthesia.
He is restless, saturating poorly on air and refusing to keep an oxygen mask on. List the likely differential diagnoses and describe your management.
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Question 8
Identify the points labelled A to F on this intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) pressure-time trace at the commencement of 1:2 augmentation. (30%)
Outline the aims of IABP placement and discuss the underlying physiological principles. (70%)
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Question 9
Discuss how pregnancy influences your perioperative management of a patient at 25 weeks gestation scheduled for laparoscopic appendicectomy.
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Question 10
Describe your response to a formal complaint made by a patient about you to your head of department.
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Question 11
Discuss the perioperative management of a patient on haemodialysis who is to undergo a renal transplant.
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Question 12
A patient with Type 1 diabetes mellitus is scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
Outline your perioperative management of their diabetes.
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Question 13
Describe the sensory and motor innervation of the airway relevant for topicalisation for an awake nasal fibreoptic intubation.
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Question 14
Discuss the safety precautions and equipment requirements for providing anaesthesia in the MRI suite.
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Question 15
Justify your perioperative management plan of a six-year-old child with a penetrating eye injury.
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Question 1
Define the terms ‘train-of-four’ (TOF) and ‘double burst stimulation’ (DBS) with respect to a peripheral nerve stimulator (PNS). (30%)
Evaluate the use of a quantitative peripheral nerve stimulator when using neuromuscular blocking agents in anaesthetic practice. (70%)
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Question 2
A patient is admitted to hospital following a diagnosis of intrauterine fetal death (IUFD) at 35 weeks gestation. Discuss your considerations for the anaesthetic management of her labour and delivery.
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Question 3
You have just intubated a patient who has respiratory failure due to severe bacterial pneumonia. They remain hypoxaemic with an SpO2 of 82%.
Describe your immediate actions and justify your strategies to improve oxygenation whilst awaiting the patient’s retrieval to a tertiary centre.
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Question 4
Describe the clinical presentation of venous carbon dioxide embolism during laparoscopic surgery and outline your management.
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Question 5
Justify your strategies for managing severely elevated intracranial pressure.
Question 6
Discuss the perioperative strategies you would use to mitigate the risks of prolonged surgery in the prone position.
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Question 7
An adult is brought to your district hospital after a house fire. They have sustained burns to 75% of their total body surface area (TBSA).
Discuss your management prior to their transfer to a Burns Unit.
Question 8
Discuss how a diagnosis of Addison’s disease would influence your perioperative management of a patient who requires an urgent laparotomy for bowel obstruction.
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Question 9
Describe the elements of informed consent for anaesthesia. (50%)
Discuss the informed consent process in the context of the following clinical situations: (50%)
A 20-year-old primigravida in late first stage of labour requests epidural analgesia.
A 15-year-old is scheduled for posterior spinal instrumentation for severe idiopathic scoliosis.
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Question 10
A 60-year-old patient is scheduled for stenting of a tracheobronchial mass. Outline your perioperative management.
Question 11
A 14-year-old with severe autism is rescheduled for dental surgery. The operation was previously abandoned due to their poor cooperation with the team.
Justify your perioperative management plan.
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Question 12
Describe the nerve supply to the breast. (30%)
Describe an appropriate regional technique to provide perioperative analgesia for a patient undergoing a total mastectomy and justify your choice. (70%)
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Question 13
A 55-year-old patient with atrial fibrillation (AF) requires general anaesthesia in the cardiac catheter laboratory for electrophysiological (EP) study and catheter ablation.
Discuss the principles of remote location anaesthesia relevant to this case.
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Question 14
Discuss the principles of damage control resuscitation in severe trauma.
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Question 15
Outline the clinical features, differential diagnoses, and management of serotonin syndrome in the perioperative period.
Question 1
Outline the anatomy relevant to performing a brachial plexus block using the axillary approach. (70%)
Describe the limitations of this block when used for upper limb surgery. (30%)
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Question 2
Explain your strategies to minimise the risk of hypoxia during induction, maintenance and emergence from anaesthesia in a morbidly obese patient undergoing a laparoscopic total hysterectomy.

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Question 3
In a large clinical trial, patients were randomised into two groups to study the impact of bispectral index (BISTM) monitoring on the incidence of awareness.
The table below shows the results.
Data analysis found that the statistical difference in the incidence of awareness had a p value of 0.022.
The study reported that BIS-guided anaesthesia reduced the risk of awareness by 82% (95% confidence interval 17-98%) with an odds ratio of 0.2 and a number needed to treat of 140.
Define the following terms and explain their meaning in relation to this study:
p value
risk reduction
confidence interval
odds ratio
number needed to treat

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Question 4
A 24-year-old woman requires urgent manual removal of placenta due to ongoing bleeding following a vaginal delivery (estimated blood loss 1500ml).
Outline your initial management prior to her arrival in theatre. (50%)
Discuss the options available for managing persistent uterine atony in theatre. (50%)
Question 5
This is the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) of a 56-year-old man in the post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU) two hours after an emergency laparotomy for bowel obstruction.
He is complaining of shortness of breath, abdominal pain and has a blood pressure of 160/110mmHg.
He has a history of hypertension controlled with atenolol and hydrochlorothiazide. The preoperative ECG is missing. The anaesthetic assessment only notes that it showed sinus rhythm.
Considering all the clinical information, interpret this ECG and outline the appropriate management of this patient in PACU.
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Question 6
You will be anaesthetising a 63-year-old man with severe Parkinson’s disease who is booked for an inguinal hernia repair.
Discuss the issues that are relevant to providing perioperative care for this patient.
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Question 7
Your department has exceeded its drug budget for the last financial year.
You have been asked to develop a departmental policy document for the rational use of sugammadex.
Discuss the issues to be considered.
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Question 8
A patient takes a 60mg slow-release morphine tablet twice daily for chronic low back pain. They have been appropriately investigated and there is no surgically treatable pathology.
In relation to this patient
List the risks of long-term opioid therapy. (30%)
Justify the appropriate treatment of chronic low back pain. (70%)
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Question 9
Evaluate the equipment available for the delivery of oxygen to postoperative patients on a general surgical ward.

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Question 10
List the signs of malignant hyperthermia. (30%)
Outline the immediate management of a patient where malignant hyperthermia is suspected. (70%)
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Question 11
Discuss the issues relevant to the perioperative care of a seven-year-old child with Down Syndrome who has sustained a supracondylar fracture of the humerus.

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Question 12
A patient presents on the day of surgery with a blood pressure of 180/110mmHg.
Justify your decision to proceed with or postpone surgery for this patient.
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Question 13
A 77-year-old patient is admitted to hospital with a fractured neck of femur requiring total hip arthroplasty. Physical examination on admission reveals signs of congestive cardiac failure.
Outline how congestive cardiac failure influences the perioperative risk for this patient. (30%)
Discuss how the finding of congestive cardiac failure influences your perioperative management of this patient. (70%)
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Question 14
Discuss the options for anticoagulation management in the perioperative period for a patient taking warfarin for atrial fibrillation who requires a laparotomy for ischaemic bowel.

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Question 15
Evaluate the use of five (5) of the following additives that may be combined with local anaesthetics for neural blockade.
sodium bicarbonate
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Question 1
You are asked to assess and anaesthetise a 54-year-old patient for a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. They received a heart transplant ten years ago.
Discuss the issues relevant for this patient.
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Question 2
A 75-year-old man is scheduled for elective endovascular repair of a thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm.
List the potential complications of this procedure in this patient and discuss your strategies to mitigate these complications.
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Question 3
A young adult male is assaulted and sustains a maxillary fracture. He is scheduled for an open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of the maxillary fracture on the emergency list.
Outline the relevant anaesthetic considerations.
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Question 4
Justify your choice and dosing of drugs when providing anaesthesia for electroconvulsive therapy (ECT).
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Question 5
A patient with chronic liver disease requires gastroscopy for investigation of chronic anaemia.
A preoperative arterial blood gas (ABG) on room air demonstrates:
Interpret this ABG and list possible causes of hypoxia in this patient. (50%)
Justify your anaesthetic technique for gastroscopy in this patient. (50%)
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Question 6
A 30-year-old woman at full term collapses in early labour and is unresponsive.
List the most likely causes of her collapse. (30%)
A presumptive diagnosis of amniotic fluid embolism is made. Describe the immediate and ongoing management of this patient. (70%)
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Question 7
An infant born at 30 weeks gestation is booked for repair of bilateral inguinal herniae at 46 weeks post-conceptual age.
Discuss the important issues when providing perioperative care for this infant.
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Question 8
A patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus requires urgent lower limb arterial bypass surgery. Their medications include dapagliflozin (a sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor).
Outline your specific concerns and management of this patient for this procedure
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Question 9
A patient with myasthenia gravis presents for emergency laparotomy for small bowel obstruction.
Discuss your perioperative management of this patient including your choice of anaesthetic.
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Question 10
Outline the anatomical relations of the internal jugular veins highlighting how the left internal jugular vein differs from the right. (70%)
Describe how the anatomy relates to complications that may arise at the time of central venous cannulation. (30%)
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Question 11
Discuss the perioperative implications for a patient known to use methamphetamine.
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Question 12
For the following devices, describe the design features that ensure the safe delivery of oxygen during anaesthesia:
pipeline oxygen delivery systems
anaesthesia machines
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Question 13
You have been asked to formulate guidelines for your department on managing fatigue.
List the hazards associated with fatigue in the practice of clinical anaesthesia. (30%)
Outline your guidelines and discuss the potential consequences of their implementation. (70%)
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Question 14
This is the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) of a 68-year-old man in the post-anaesthesia care unit (PACU) following a revision total hip replacement.
He has a history of hypertension controlled with candesartan and hydrochlorothiazide. His preoperative ECG showed sinus rhythm with a rate of 82 per minute.
Interpret this ECG and provide differential diagnoses.
List the likely causes of the rhythm disturbance in this patient.
Outline the appropriate immediate management.
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Question 15
Describe the cross-sectional anatomy of the femoral triangle and identify where local anaesthetic would be placed for a
femoral nerve block
fascia iliaca block
Describe the strengths and weaknesses of these two blocks for the provision of analgesia during surgery for repair of a fractured neck of femur.
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Question 1
You are asked to anaesthetise a two-year-old child for an eight-hour craniotomy. The child is susceptible to developing malignant hyperthermia.
Outine your strategies for obtaining intravenous access in this child. (50%)
Discuss the issues of using a total intravenous technique in this situation. (50%)
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Question 2
Describe the anatomy of the orbit in relation to performing a peribulbar block for cataract surgery.

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Question 3
Discuss the consequences of perioperative hypothermia
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Question 4
The Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the enUmeration of Mortality and Morbidity (POSSUM) and the Surgical Outcome Risk Tool (SORT) are examples of risk scoring systems used for predicting post-operative morbidity and mortality.
Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of these types of risk scoring systems in clinical practice.
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Question 5
A 36-year-old with a history of opioid dependence is booked for spinal surgery. The patient is no longer on opioids and is maintained on 50mg of oral naltrexone daily.
Discuss the implications of the history of opioid dependence and current naltrexone treatment for the provision of effective analgesia, including an analgesia plan upon hospital discharge.
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Question 6
A patient is due to have intramedullary reaming and nailing of a pathological fracture of the femur secondary to metastatic renal cell carcinoma.
Outline the key issues this case presents. (50%)
Describe how you would manage these issues. (50%)
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Question 7
You are concerned about the possibility of substance abuse by a consultant colleague.
Describe the signs that are suggestive of substance abuse in a colleague. (50%)
Outline the steps that should be followed if this is suspected. (50%)
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Question 8
A 60-year-old lung cancer patient is planned to undergo an open thoracotomy, involving possible rib resection.
List the regional techniques available for post-operative pain management and justify your choice of regional technique for this patient. (50%)
Outline your management plan if pain is still present at the operative site 14 days later. (50%)
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Question 9
A patient with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator pacemaker is scheduled for a left mastectomy.
Discuss how the presence of this device affects your management of this patient.
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Question 10
Outline your peri-operative management of a patient with mitral stenosis scheduled for a laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair.
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Question 11
A patient with diabetes mellitus presents fasted on today’s list for elective ileo-femoral bypass surgery.
His biochemistry results from this morning are as follows:
Interpret these results.
List the most likely differential diagnoses.
Justify any additional information you require in order to make your diagnosis.
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Question 12
Evaluate the use of cerebral oximetry monitoring in non-cardiac surgery.
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Question 13
Evaluate the use of available neuromuscular blocking agents when performing a rapid sequence induction.
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Question 14
A 22-year-old primigravida at 31 weeks gestation is admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of severe pre-eclampsia. Her blood pressure is 180/115 mmHg.
Describe the symptoms and signs she may have due to her pre-eclampsia. (50%)
Outline the appropriate immediate management of this patient. (50%)
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Question 15
Discuss the anaesthetic considerations for an adult patient with rheumatoid arthritis presenting for wrist surgery.
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Question 1
Describe the rationale for the use of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest and outline the pathophysiological consequences of this technique.
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Question 2
Evaluate the options for managing a confirmed postdural puncture headache in an obstetric patient.
Question 3
Discuss how Marfan syndrome influences your anaesthetic management for a patient requiring an urgent laparoscopic appendicectomy.
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Question 4
Describe the requirements for establishing an anaesthetic service for a neurosurgical theatre with a magnetic resonance imaging scanner.
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Question 5
A patient dies soon after induction of anaesthesia. As a senior clinician you are asked to arrange a debriefing.
Outline the considerations.
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Question 6
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of non-invasive ventilation methods in the intensive care unit.
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Question 7
Describe the anatomy relevant to siting an epidural catheter for postoperative analgesia following open abdominal surgery. (50%)
Outline the limitations and complications of providing epidural analgesia for this type of surgery. (50%)
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Question 8
Your patient is midway through a laparoscopic cholecystectomy. You smell smoke and can see flames in the room adjacent to your theatre.
Describe your management of this situation.
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Question 9
A 25-year-old male is scheduled for an elective inguinal hernia repair. He has a ventricular septal defect and was recently diagnosed with Eisenmenger syndrome.
Discuss your preoperative assessment and how this affects your anaesthesia plan.
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Question 10
Describe the role of the anaesthetist in minimising surgical site infection.
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Question 11
A patient on an organ transplantation waiting list is taking rivaroxaban for recurrent pulmonary emboli.
Discuss your perioperative anticoagulation plan.
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Question 12
List the advantages and disadvantages of opioid-free approaches for laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. (50%)
Justify your choice of opioid-free technique for this procedure. (50%)

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Question 13
List the risk factors for perioperative stroke. (50%)
Discuss the measures you use to minimise perioperative stroke in high-risk patients undergoing major orthopaedic surgery. (50%)
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Question 14
Compare and contrast first-generation and second-generation laryngeal mask airways.
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Question 15
A 16-year-old girl has failed to wake from anaesthesia following posterior instrumentation for severe idiopathic scoliosis.
Discuss the potential causes and management of her failure to wake.
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Question 1
What are the issues associated with jet ventilation?
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Question 2
A 60-year-old woman is having breast reconstruction surgery using a deep inferior epigastric perforator free flap six months following a mastectomy for breast cancer.
Discuss the issues of anaesthetic management relevant for this procedure.
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Question 3
List the causes of increased perioperative morbidity and mortality in surgical patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. (30%)
Outline the principles of perioperative management of these patients (70%)
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Question 4
A 9-year-old girl with cerebral palsy is scheduled to undergo bilateral femoral varus derotation osteotomy and adductor lengthening.
Outline the challenges of providing effective postoperative analgesia for her surgery and discuss the analgesia options available.
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Question 5
A 61-year-old man presents with a large haematemesis. He has known alcoholic liver disease and sedation is requested for an urgent gastroscopy.
Outline your peri-procedural concerns
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Question 6
Describe your responsibilities as the anaesthetist before you leave your patient in the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU). (50%)
Your patient has been in the PACU for an hour. The nurse asks you to change the discharge criteria so the patient can be discharged to the ward.
Discuss your decision making process following this request. (50%)
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Question 7
Interpret this arterial blood gas (ABG)
Justify any additional information you would require to complete your interpretation
Describe a clinical situation which may explain this ABG
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Question 8
A patient with a previous spinal cord injury presents for ureteric stenting. Discuss the pathophysiology of autonomic dysreflexia. (50%)
Describe the intra-operative manifestations and subsequent management of autonomic dysreflexia. (50%)
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Question 9
List the factors associated with increased mortality following rib fractures. (30%)
Describe a comprehensive rib fracture management plan. (70%)
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Question 10
These are the blood results of a 65-year-old man scheduled for a revision total hip replacement.
Interpret these results. (30%)
How would you manage this patient preoperatively? (70%)
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Question 11
Define frailty and discuss the role of prehabilitation for patients with frailty.
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Question 12
A 30-year-old woman who is 28 weeks pregnant has been referred to your tertiary high-risk obstetric clinic. She has complex cyanotic heart disease and now functions with a Fontan circulation.
How would you stratify her cardiovascular risk? (30%)
What are the relevant anaesthetic issues for this patient? (70%)
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Question 13
Outline your approach to the perioperative management of a patient who gives a strong family history of von Willebrand disease.

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Question 14
Describe the principles that are important in making clinical research ethical.
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Question 15
Discuss your considerations when anaesthetising a patient for functional endoscopic sinus surgery.
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Question 1
Outline the mechanisms that may contribute to visual loss associated with spinal surgery in the prone position. (50%)
Describe strategies that may reduce the risk of visual loss in this situation. (50%)
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Question 2
A 30-year-old woman requires a laparoscopic appendicectomy. She reports a “severe allergic reaction” during a laparoscopy five years ago. Outline your strategy for managing this case, given her history.
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Question 3
One of your anaesthetic colleagues is prescribing fentanyl patches as discharge medication for patients following total hip joint replacement. Evaluate this practice.
Question 4
A 50-year-old man with a base of tongue cancer is scheduled for elective tracheostomy immediately followed by tumour resection. Discuss the issues involved with his airway management.
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Question 5
Describe (and/or draw) the anatomy in the optimal ultrasound view when performing a supraclavicular brachial plexus block. (50%)
List the possible complications and limitations of this block. (50%)
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Question 6
A patient scheduled for trans-sphenoidal pituitary surgery is noticed to have greater than normal urine output.
How would you determine if this patient has diabetes insipidus? (30%)
How would you manage diabetes insipidus in the perioperative period? (70%)
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Question 7
Justify your use of perioperative prophylactic antiemetics.
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Question 8
Describe the process of intraoperative cell salvage. (50%)
Discuss the indications and contraindications for intraoperative cell salvage. (50%)
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Question 9
Discuss the non-technical skills required for management of an intraoperative crisis.
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Question 10
Describe the pathophysiological effects associated with the use of a pneumatic limb tourniquet and how they can be minimised.
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Question 11
Discuss your perioperative management of a patient with carcinoid syndrome presenting for small bowel resection.
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Question 12
This is the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) of a 76-year-old woman in the post- anaesthesia care unit following a total knee replacement. She has hypertension and type 2 diabetes, and her preoperative ECG showed sinus rhythm with a rate of 82 /minute. Interpret the ECG.
Outline your initial management and develop a plan in the event of the rhythm disturbance persisting.
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Question 13
Evaluate the merits of large multicentre randomised controlled trials compared with the merits of single-centre observational studies in guiding clinical practice.
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Question 14
Describe the pathophysiology of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and how this is affected by pregnancy, labour, and vaginal delivery.
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Question 15
A 45-year-old woman with a large anterior mediastinal mass is scheduled for mediastinoscopy and biopsy. Discuss your preoperative assessment of this patient.
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Question 1
Describe your assessment of a four-year-old child who has been rescued from a house fire.
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Question 2
How does a residual current device (RCD) work? (30%)
Evaluate its usefulness to protect patients from injury. (70%)
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Question 3
A 43-year-old man with Down Syndrome is booked for an inguinal hernia repair. Discuss the issues that are relevant in providing anaesthesia for this patient having this surgery.
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Question 4
Describe the anatomy relevant to cannulation of the subclavian vein via the infraclavicular approach.
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Question 5
You are developing an anaesthetic department policy for acute endovascular stroke intervention. Outline the issues to be considered in your policy.
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Question 6
A 63-year-old patient presents for urgent cancer surgery three weeks following myocardial infarction.
Discuss the risk assessment of this patient for this surgery. (50%)
How would you optimise this patient for surgery? (50%)
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Question 7
A 60-year-old man is anaesthetised for a rigid cystoscopy. You notice bile stained fluid in his classic laryngeal mask airway (LMA) during the procedure. Describe your management.
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Question 8
You have rated a workplace based assessment for a trainee as unsatisfactory. The trainee has now written to the head of the department complaining that you have been bullying him.
Define the following (50%)
Outline your approach to this complaint. (50%)
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Question 9
An 80-year-old man is admitted to the high dependency unit following laparotomy for relief of a large bowel obstruction. He has a urinary catheter in situ. Three hours later he remains oliguric.
What are the potential causes of oliguria in this patient? (50%)
How would you differentiate between these causes? (50%)
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Question 10
Describe the physiological effects of a high-flow nasal cannula device (HFNC) e.g. OptiflowTM or AirvoTM. (50%)
Justify its use in an adult endoscopy suite. (50%)

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Question 11
Outline the factors influencing spread of intrathecal local anaesthetic.
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Question 12
A 24-year-old with a breech presentation at 35 weeks gestation has severe preeclampsia and requires delivery by lower segment caesarean section. You witness her having a short self- limiting generalised seizure in the delivery suite.
Outline the key points of her management prior to theatre. (50%)
Describe the changes you would make to your usual general anaesthetic technique for her lower segment caesarean section. (50%)
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Question 13
A 75-year-old patient presents for lower limb angioplasty and stenting for peripheral vascular disease. Discuss the challenges in providing anaesthesia for this patient.
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Question 14
An elderly patient in the recovery unit is confused and agitated following surgery. Describe your management.
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Question 15
Evaluate the use of intravenous lignocaine infusions for perioperative analgesia.

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Question 1
A patient is anaesthetised for video-assisted thoracoscopic resection of the left upper lobe. At the completion of surgery, the double-lumen tube is in situ and the patient has persistent hypoxia.
List the potential causes of hypoxia in this situation. (30%) How will you manage this? (70%)
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Question 2
Discuss the significance of anticipated changes in blood pressure during anaesthesia and in the post anaesthesia care unit in a patient undergoing carotid endarterectomy. (50%) Outline strategies to manage these changes. (50%)
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Question 3
A 55-year-old male with severe steroid-dependent rheumatoid arthritis requires spinal surgery in the prone position.
Discuss your considerations for patient positioning for the procedure.
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Question 4
A 44-year-old male is booked for debulking of a large intracranial tumour.
Describe the physiological aims during this case. (50%) Justify your anaesthetic technique to achieve these aims. (50%)
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Question 5
What are the considerations when anaesthetising a patient for a complex laparoscopic ultra-low colonic resection?
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Question 6
Describe the indications for referral for an antenatal anaesthetic assessment.

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Question 7
A patient in the post anaesthesia care unit is suspected of having residual neuromuscular blockade.
List ways to assess this patient for the presence of residual neuromuscular blockade. (30%) Discuss methods to reduce the risk of residual neuromuscular blockade. (70%)
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Question 8
Discuss the preoperative assessment for a patient who presents for thyroidectomy.
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Question 9
A 50-year-old woman with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma) presents for laparoscopic appendicectomy. She is currently treated with folate supplements and weekly methotrexate.
Describe how your anaesthetic plan is modified by the presence of scleroderma in this patient.
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Question 10
Describe how the safety of anaesthetised patients undergoing surgery is ensured in the event of a power failure to the hospital.
Question 11
Describe the anatomy relevant to performing a caudal block in a two-year-old male.
Not Started
Question 12
This table displays the pulmonary function test results for a 67-year-old male.
Define the following: FEV1, FVC, VC and DLCO. (50%) Interpret these results and discuss this patient’s possible diagnoses. (50%)
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Question 13
Discuss your strategy for the management of coagulopathy in the multitrauma patient.
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Question 14
Describe how you would determine the usefulness of a published paper for your own practice.
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Question 15
Describe the features you require of a transport ventilator for a patient with severe ventilator-dependent acute respiratory distress syndrome.
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Question 1
List the indications for hyperbaric oxygen therapy. (30%)
Discuss the problems with providing this treatment. (70%)
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Question 2
A 24-year-old female with cystic fibrosis is scheduled to undergo elective breast surgery. How does the presence of cystic fibrosis affect your perioperative management of this patient for this procedure?
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Question 3
List the methods of analgesia that can be used for patients undergoing open liver resection surgery. (30%) Justify your perioperative pain management strategy. (70%)
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Question 4
How do you determine if a patient with known obstructive sleep apnoea is suitable for day surgery?
Question 5
A 45-year-old man with insulin treated type 2 diabetes is undergoing a gastrectomy on the afternoon list. How will you manage his diabetes perioperatively?
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Question 6
Describe the innervation of the foot relevant to an ankle block.
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Question 7
Describe the factors that determine the maximum achievable rate of intravenous fluid administration. (50%) Outline the issues associated with the use of rapid infusion devices. (50%)
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Question 8
A 75-year-old lady scheduled for total knee replacement is currently using a fentanyl patch (75 μg/hour) for analgesia to manage her knee pain. Discuss how this influences your perioperative pain management.
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Question 9
Outline the risk factors for, possible mechanisms of, and methods to prevent, postoperative ulnar neuropathy.
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Question 10
Outline the advantages and disadvantages of using the paediatric circle system and the Jackson-Rees modification of Ayre’s T-piece (Mapleson F) for anaesthesia in a 15 kg child.
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Question 11
A 60-year-old female patient with known hypertrophic cardiomyopathy requires semi- urgent surgery for a femoral fracture. Describe the perioperative haemodynamic goals and justify your anaesthetic technique.
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Question 12
Outline the factors relevant to selection of a perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis regimen for a surgical patient. (50%) Discuss strategies to ensure appropriate implementation of antibiotic prophylaxis regimens. (50%)
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Question 13
You wish to investigate the effects of a new anaesthesia technique on postoperative patient outcomes. Describe the stages of study design that are important to consider when planning this trial.
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Question 14
You are asked to provide anaesthesia for cardioversion for a 60-year-old male with atrial fibrillation. Which factors influence the success of the cardioversion, and a safe outcome?
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Question 15
Outline extubation strategies for anticipated difficult extubation of an adult.
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Question 1
Describe the pathophysiological effects of carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum during a surgical procedure.
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Question 2
A patient presents for an elective inguinal hernia repair and his preoperative electrocardiogram shows trifascicular block. What implications might this have for this patient in the perioperative period and how will you manage those implications?
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Question 3
A 30-year-old female at term requires a general anaesthetic for lower uterine segment caesarean section for significant antepartum haemorrhage.
Discuss how significant antepartum haemorrhage affects your perioperative management.
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Question 4
A 55-year-old male is in the post-anaesthesia care unit after nasal surgery. He is conscious, dyspnoeic, and is coughing up frothy secretions.
List your differential diagnosis AND how this would direct subsequent management.
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Question 5
A 20-year-old female presents to the emergency department in an agitated state.
A. Interpret her blood gas (taken on room air). (50%) B. List the most likely differential diagnoses. (50%)
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Question 6
You are asked to provide local anaesthesia for awake craniotomy.
Describe the innervation of the scalp, including the landmarks for nerve blockade.
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Question 7
A new hospital is setting up its pain service and you have been asked to write the administration guidelines for ketamine infusions on the ward. Outline the information you would include in these guidelines.
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Question 8
A. List the clinical features that support a diagnosis of malignant hyperthermia in an anaesthetised patient. (30%)
B. Describe your immediate management of suspected malignant hyperthermia. (70%)
Question 9
A patient on the morning endoscopy list lives alone and is planning to return home in a taxi. She has already taken her colonoscopy preparation solution.
What are the considerations for discharge planning for this patient?
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Question 10
Outline the considerations for successful weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass after coronary artery graft surgery.
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Question 11
A 30-year-old male is scheduled to undergo complex lower limb reconstructive surgery expected to last 18 hours.
Discuss the issues associated with this prolonged procedure.
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Question 12
Evaluate the use of 10% povidone−iodine compared to 0.5% chlorhexidine/70% isopropyl alcohol as skin preparation prior to the institution of lumbar epidural analgesia.
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Question 13
A 70-year-old man scheduled for major surgery presents to the pre-anaesthesia assessment clinic. He has a history of ischaemic heart disease and coronary stent insertion, and is on aspirin and clopidogrel.
Outline the considerations when managing his antiplatelet therapy.

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Question 14
A 45-year-old male with longstanding diabetes is scheduled to undergo elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy.
1. In the pre-anaesthesia assessment clinic, how would you assess this patient for the presence of diabetic autonomic neuropathy?(50%) 

2.Discuss the anaesthetic implications of his autonomic neuropathy. (50%)
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Question 15
A two-year-old boy scheduled for hypospadias repair is found to have a praecordial murmur. Justify your decision to proceed.
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Question 1
A 65-year-old patient with type 2 diabetes is unable to dorsiflex her left foot 24 hours after undergoing a left total knee joint replacement under spinal anaesthesia and a left femoral nerve block.
Discuss the possible causes of this problem. (50%)
Outline how you would manage this situation. (50%)
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Question 2
A 30-year-old patient with myotonic dystrophy is scheduled for surgery for acute appendicitis.
Outline the important factors in the preoperative assessment of this patient. (50%)
Describe how this patient’s myotonic dystrophy will affect your anaesthetic management.(50%)
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Question 3
The anaesthetic machine is designed to deliver gases and anaesthetic vapours to patients via a breathing circuit.
Outline the safety features of an anaesthetic machine.
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Question 4
You are asked to anaesthetise an adult patient for a left pneumonectomy.
Describe the different methods for lung isolation in this patient, including the advantages and disadvantages of each.
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Question 5
Outline the pharmacological features of remifentanil. (50%)
Describe how these features can be utilised when using remifentanil in clinical practice. (50%)
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Question 6
Outline risk factors for spinal cord ischaemia in a patient undergoing endovascular repair of a thoraco-abdominal aortic aneurysm. (50%)
Discuss your approach to minimising spinal cord ischaemia in this setting. (50%)
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Question 7
Outline the pathophysiological insults that exacerbate a primary brain injury following head trauma and indicate how can they be minimised.
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Question 8
A six-week-old term baby weighing 4.0 kg requires pyloromyotomy for pyloric stenosis. How would you assess the baby’s hydration status? (50%) Detail and justify your resuscitation regimen. (50%)
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Question 9
Considering the indications and limitations, compare the rationale for the use of:
—Hudson masks
 —Non-rebreathing masks
 —Nasal prongs
Question 10
A patient with known primary pulmonary hypertension is scheduled to undergo elective umbilical hernia repair.
How will you assess the severity of this patient’s pulmonary hypertension? (50%)
How does this diagnosis affect your perioperative management of this patient? (50%)
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Question 11
As a perioperative physician, what strategies can you offer to assist a patient to cease smoking tobacco and how will you best communicate them?
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Question 12
Outline the physiological implications of brainstem death following subarachnoid haemorrhage in a patient listed for organ donation.
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Question 13
Describe the physiological responses to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). (50%)
Discuss how these affect your anaesthetic management of a patient undergoing ECT. (50%)
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Question 14
An obese 55-year-old female has undergone sleeve gastrectomy which concluded one hour earlier. The post anaesthetic care unit has called to report a blood pressure of 190/110 mmHg.
Discuss your approach to the evaluation and management of the hypertension.
Question 15
A 40-year-old patient who is scheduled for elective total abdominal hysterectomy has a haemoglobin level of 80 g/l.
Describe your preoperative assessment and optimisation of this patient's anaemia.
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Question 1
A 65 year old female patient requires open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of her fractured distal radius and ulna. She has no other injuries and is otherwise well but is keen to avoid general anaesthesia.
a. List the options for nerve block to provide regional anaesthesia in this patient. (30%)
b. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each of these options.
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Question 2
A 50 year old patient has received an orthotopic heart transplant 10 years ago. He now presents for elective non-cardiac surgery. Outline the issues a prior heart transplant may present for the anaesthetist AND describe how these will affect anaesthetic management.
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Question 3
An adult patient is scheduled for a major operation during which significant blood loss is expected. Describe strategies you would consider peri-operatively when planning to minimise blood loss and transfusion requirement.
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Question 4
a. Describe the clinical features of trigeminal neuralgia (50%)
b. Discuss the efficacy of the treatment modalities available for this condition. (50%)
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Question 5
A 61 year old woman is scheduled for total laparoscopic hysterectomy. She has had an episode of awareness under anaesthesia during previous laparoscopic surgery.
a. What are the risk factors for awareness? (30%)
b. How would you minimise this patient’s risk of awareness during her operation? (70%)
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Question 6
A three year old child requires an adenotonsillectomy for obstructive sleep apnoea. Outline and justify your peri-operative management plan.
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Question 7
A drug has been unintentionally administered through a radial arterial line in an awake patient. Describe your management of this situation.
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Question 8
A 20 year old patient has been successfully resuscitated from suspected anaphylaxis. Describe your immediate and longer term post crisis management.
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Question 9
A patient requires vascular access for three weeks. a. List the advantages and disadvantages of a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line) compared to a percutaneous central venous catheter (CVL). (50%)
b. Outline the methods by which you would minimize the risks associated with the placement of a PICC line.
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Question 10
A patient is undergoing revision parathyroidectomy. At the surgeon’s request, you have placed a Nerve Integrity Monitor (NIM) tube for monitoring recurrent laryngeal nerve function. The surgeon is unable to elicit a response from the monitor when stimulating the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
a. Explain how the NIM tube monitors nerve function? (30%) b. Outline the possible causes of being unable to elicit a response and how you would manage them? (70%)
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Question 11
Describe the complications that can occur post carotid endarterectomy and how these may present in the post anaesthesia care unit (PACU).
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Question 12
A 47 year old man presents to the emergency department with acute abdominal pain requiring a laparotomy. He is known to have chronic high intake of alcohol. Describe how chronic alcohol misuse will affect your perioperative management of this patient.
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Question 13
a. Describe the principles behind an “Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS)” programme for colorectal surgery. (50%) b. Outline the key steps you would take in setting up this programme in your hospital.
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Question 14
A 65 year old female patient is two hours into debridement and skin grafting for a 40% burn to her thorax and legs. She is intubated and paralysed. An arterial blood gas now shows:
pH 7.12 PaO2 150
PaCO2 45 HCO3 15 K 6.3
a. Outline the potential causes for this patient’s hyperkalaemia. (30%)
b. Describe your management of this hyperkalaemia. (70%)
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Question 15
Evaluate the role of tranexamic acid in primary hip arthroplasty.
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Question 1
Describe the anatomy relevant to performing a thoracic paravertebral block. (50%)
List the advantages and complications of performing this block for a patient undergoing radical mastectomy. (50%)
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Question 2
List the risk factors for postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) (30%)
Evaluate methods to minimise PONV (70%)
Question 3
A patient who is 6 weeks post cardiac surgery has a pericardial effusion requiring treatment. Outline the symptoms and signs of this condition. (70%) Which of these features would trigger an urgent intervention? (30%)
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Question 4
A 40-year-old 100 kg patient presents with septicaemia of unknown cause. After receiving two litres of 0.9% NaCl (Normal Saline) as initial resuscitation the patient has the following observations:
HR 126 bpm BP 80/40 mmHg Outline your initial resuscitation goals. (30%)
 Evaluate options for ongoing fluid resuscitation at this time. (70%)
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Question 5
You are planning a trial to evaluate the efficacy of a new drug on reducing post-laparotomy pain.
Describe potential sources of bias and indicate how these can be minimised.
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Question 6
You are called to see a 30-year-old woman who has collapsed 2 hours post normal vaginal delivery.
What is the differential diagnosis? (30%)
Outline the clinical features and investigations that would support a diagnosis of postpartum haemorrhage. (70%)
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Question 7
An elderly patient is scheduled for total hip replacement and has been taking oxycodone 40mg twice daily in the last six months for severe hip pain.
What issues do you anticipate with regard to her oxycodone use? (50%) How do these issues influence your postoperative management? (50%)
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Question 8
A thirty-year-old man has sustained a penetrating eye injury requiring surgery.
What are the key anaesthetic issues? (30%) Outline your plan of perioperative management and justify your choices. (70%)
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Question 9
Forty minutes after a laparoscopic appendicectomy has been completed, a 55 year old patient has failed to regain consciousness.
List the potential causes. (30%) Describe your management (70%)
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Question 10
A 68 year-old male with severe Parkinson's Disease presents for elective right hemicolectomy. Current medications include levodopa/benserazide and selegiline (monoamine oxidase inhibitor).
What clinical features of Parkinson ’s disease affect anaesthesia? (50%)
Justify your perioperative drug management plan. (50%)
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Question 11
List the essential equipment currently recommended to manage a difficult airway in an adult patient. (50%)
Justify supplementary items you would recommend. (50%)
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Question 12
In preadmission clinic you are assessing a patient who is concerned about the risk of developing venous thromboembolism (VTE) perioperatively.
Outline the patient factors that increase the risk of VTE. (50%) Describe measures that may reduce the risk of perioperative VTE (50%)
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Question 13
An elderly patient has collapsed with a bleed into a known brain tumour and is unable to communicate. An advance health directive has been produced stating she would not wish to receive treatment if the most likely outcome was a significant permanent neurological deficit.
Define advance health directive, including its scope and legal status (50%)
How would this advance health directive influence decision making around treatment options. (50%)
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Question 14
A 40 year old requires a laparotomy ten days after an isolated traumatic spinal cord transection at C6.
Outline the key anaesthetic issues. (50%)
How would these influence your anaesthetic management? (50%)
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Question 15
Describe the physiological principles underlying preoxygenation prior to the induction of anaesthesia. (50%)
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using a high inspired oxygen concentration (>80%) during maintenance of anaesthesia. (50%)
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Question 1
An 8 week old baby is scheduled for an inguinal hernia repair on your list at a local general hospital tomorrow.
a) Outline the important issues when providing anaesthesia care for this baby. (70%)
b) Justify your decision to proceed with surgery at the local general hospital. (30%)
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Question 2
A 25 year old man with a history of blunt trauma to the right side of his head has a fixed and dilated right pupil.
He has been intubated and ventilated in the emergency department after an initial Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) of 15 on admission had fallen to 3.
Evaluate the pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods to manipulate this patient’s intracranial pressure?
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Question 3
A patient is scheduled to undergo prolonged steep head-down surgery.
a. Outline the potential anaesthetic implications of this position in this situation. (50%)
b. Describe how you would modify your anaesthetic plan to minimise these. (50%)
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Question 4
A patient scheduled for transurethral resection of the prostate is seen in the pre-admission clinic. He has non-valvular atrial fibrillation and was commenced on dabigatran 150 mg bd when he had a minor stroke three months ago.
a) Outline briefly the advantages and disadvantages of dabigatran as compared to warfarin for stroke prevention in elective surgical patients. (30%)
b) Describe and justify your plan for the perioperative management of this patient’s anticoagulation. (70%)
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Question 5
a) Outline the principles of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (50%)
b) Evaluate the role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in a patient who is scheduled for oesophagectmony (50%)
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Question 6
You are called to see a 30 year old man with bilateral fractured femurs. He has been diagnosed with Fat Embolism Syndrome.
a. Outline the pathophysiology of Fat Embolism Syndrome? (50%)
b. Describe the principles of management of Fat Embolism Syndrome? (50%)
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Question 7
An 80 year old man is scheduled for endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR).
a. What are the likely risk factors for acute kidney injury in this setting? (30%)
b. Describe and evaluate the methods available to preserve his renal function in the perioperative period. (70%)
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Question 8
A 25 year old woman who is 30 weeks pregnant has been referred to your tertiary high risk obstetric clinic.
She has complex cyanotic congenital heart disease and now functions with a Fontan circulation.
a) How would you stratify the cardiovascular risk? (30%)
b) What are the issues relevant to anaesthetic care that will need to be managed for this patient? (70%)
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Question 9
A 30 year old patient with myasthenia gravis presents for orthopaedic procedure and refuses a regional anaesthetic technique
a. What are the signs and symptoms of myasthenia gravis? (30%)
b. How does the disease affect your anaesthetic management? (70%)
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Question 10
As the on-duty specialist anaesthetist, you are asked to see a previously well 64 year-old man in the PACU with SpO2 of 85% two hours after laparoscopic right partial nephrectomy during which he lost 1 litre of blood.
a) List the likely causes of the desaturation? (30%)
b) Outline your approach to managing the patient’s hypoxaemia. (70%)
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Question 11
In a large clinical trial, patients were randomised into two groups to study the impact of using a nitrous oxide (N2O) anaesthetic on the incidence of death and other major cardiovascular events.
The table below shows the results.
Data analysis found that the difference in the incidence of death and major cardiovascular events had a p value of 0.64. The study reported that 70% N2O anaesthesia had a relative risk of death and major cardiovascular events of 0.96 (95% CI 0.82-1.13).
Define the following terms and explain their meaning in relation to this study:
P value
Risk reduction
Confidence interval
Odds ratio
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Question 12
A 55 year old patient is undergoing emergency laparotomy for acute bowel obstruction.
Intraoperative blood tests include the following result:
Serum Mg++ 0.40 mmol/L (Normal 0.70 – 1.00 mmol/L)
a) Outline the potential causes for this result and the effects it may produce. (70%)
b) Describe the management of this abnormality. (30%)
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Question 13
a. Describe the function of a three-chamber underwater seal chest drainage system. (a diagram may be useful) (50%)
b. Evaluate the use of this system in the management of haemopneumothorax secondary to blunt chest trauma? (50%)
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Question 14
A patient presents for a microlaryngoscopy and laser of a 5 mm nodule on his left vocal cord.
(a) Outline the risks associated with the use of lasers in airway surgery. (50%)
(b) Discuss the precautions that should be taken to manage these. (50%)
Not Started
Question 15
a. Describe the anatomy relevant to performing a femoral nerve block at the level of the inguinal ligament (50%)
b. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of performing a femoral nerve block at this site as part of an analgesia plan for a patient undergoing total knee arthroplasty. (50%)
Not Started
Question 11
A 40-year old otherwise healthy male presents following a sub-arachnoid haemorrhage. He is scheduled for clipping of the middle cerebral artery aneurysm. Outline the major issues in providing anaesthesia for this patient and describe how you would address them.
Not Started

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