SS_OB 1.16
Describe the pre-anaesthetic assessment of a pregnant woman
SS_OB 1.17
Describe the role of aspiration prophylaxis in pregnant women undergoing surgery
SS_OB 1.18
Outline the indications for referral of the high-risk pregnant woman to more specialised centres of obstetric care
SS_OB 1.19
Describe the anaesthetic management of early pregnancy conditions such as molar pregnancy, termination, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage and septic abortion (also refer to the General anaesthesia and sedation clinical fundamental)
SS_OB 1.20
Describe the mechanisms and progress of normal labour
SS_OB 1.21
Describe the clinical methods used for foetal monitoring in labour
SS_OB 1.22
Evaluate the analgesic options for labour and delivery
SS_OB 1.23
Describe the selection of agents and route of administration in providing neuraxial analgesia for labour and delivery
SS_OB 1.24
Discuss the role of combined spinal epidural analgesia in labour
SS_OB 1.25
Describe the urgency of emergency delivery with regard to the threat to maternal or foetal wellbeing, in accordance with established guidelines, for example, RANZCOG College Statement C-Obs 14 Categorisation of urgency for caesarean section
SS_OB 1.26
Evaluate the role of epidural, spinal, and combined spinal epidural techniques for caesarean birth
SS_OB 1.27
Evaluate methods to treat hypotension associated with neuraxial blockade for caesarean birth
SS_OB 1.28
Discuss the management of significant complications of neuraxial analgesia and anaesthesia in childbirth, for example:
Post-dural puncture headache
SS_OB 1.29
Discuss the management of suboptimal block including conversion to general anaesthesia for caesarean birth
SS_OB 1.30
Evaluate the role of, options for and particular problems with providing general anaesthesia for elective and emergency caesarean birth
SS_OB 1.31
Describe the prevention of venous thromboembolism in the pregnant woman
SS_OB 1.32
Discuss measures to minimise the risk of injury from positioning the pregnant patient during anaesthesia
SS_OB 1.33
Evaluate methods for providing postoperative analgesia after caesarean birth
SS_OB 1.34
Discuss the anaesthetic management of problems that may arise with labour and delivery, including the following situations:
Vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) Abnormal placental implantation
SS_OB 1.35
Discuss the pathophysiology and anaesthetic management of the following medical conditions particular to pregnancy:
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy/preeclampsia Peripartum cardiomyopathy Acute fatty liver of pregnancy Cholestasis associated with pregnancy
SS_OB 1.36
Discuss the pathophysiology and anaesthetic management of co-existing maternal conditions as described in the Perioperative medicine Clinical Fundamental, in particular:
SS_OB 1.37
Discuss the implications of vertebral column abnormalities and intra-cranial pathology on provision of neuraxial blockade in pregnancy
SS_OB 1.38
Discuss the implications of drugs modifying haemostasis on the provision of neuraxial blockade in pregnancy
SS_OB 1.39
Discuss the differences in basic and advanced life support in the pregnant woman
SS_OB 1.40
Discuss the diagnosis and management of maternal collapse, including:
Local anaesthetic toxicity (refer to the endorsed AAGBI Safety Guideline Management of Severe Local Anaesthetic Toxicity)
SS_OB 1.41
Discuss the diagnosis and management of neurological deficits in women after neuraxial blockade and delivery
SS_OB 1.42
Discuss intrauterine resuscitation of the at-risk foetus
SS_OB 1.43
Describe the unique aspects of management of resuscitation of the pregnant trauma patient including:
Optimally positioning to avoid aorto-caval compression Altered maternal physiological responses Maternal resuscitation as the first priority, representing best care of both the woman and the foetus The need for early obstetric involvement and foetal monitoring High possibility of placental abruption and uterine rupture The need to give Rh immunoglobulin therapy to all Rhesus negative mothers The place of perimortem caesarean birth The clinical indicators and subsequent management implications of non-accidental injury in pregnancy
SS_OB 1.44
Discuss the unique aspects of management of anaesthesia for the pregnant woman having non-obstetric surgery
SS_OB 1.45
Outline the main causes of maternal mortality in Australasia and discuss methods to reduce maternal mortality